ISO 27001

We are proud to announce that AimBetter has completed the ISO 27001 Compliance process. ISO 27001 describes how to manage information security, incorporating the technical and operational requirements of other protocols, such as GDPR. Implementing ISO 27001 allows businesses to meet strict data security expectations and assure their clients that their data is protected.

How ISO 27001 improves security                                

How AimBetter works with ISO 27001

Personal information of any sort must be protected by Generally Accepted Privacy Principles (GAPP).
AimBetter does not read, transmit, or store any personal information. The application only measures system performance metrics, stripping out any actual data before applying its analytic tools.
Network security
Network traffic must be monitored for any security-related issues that may affect data privacy and integrity.
AimBetter provides in-built analysis of network performance, can detect and alert to anomalies, and possible security attacks.  Also, an optional add-on feature can monitor access to essential external services (credit card, PayPal, etc).
Access controls
Access to all confidential data must be restricted to authorized personnel.
AimBetter provides multiple levels of access control. In every case, signed-in personnel can only see the data for their own instance of the service – no browsing to other instances is possible.

  1. Site ID + name/password
  2. Site ID + two-level authentication
  3. Site ID + name/password with access restricted to specific IP addresses.
System security
Access to physical resources must be limited and monitored, and logical access must be restricted to authorized personnel.
AimBetter on-site is installed inside the customer’s domain and fully secured by its standards. The AimBetter central processing facility resides in a fully secured Level 3 data processing center with limited access.
Confidential data must be protected from unauthorized access.
AimBetter does not read, transmit, or store any corporate data. The application only measures system performance metrics, stripping out any actual data before applying its analytic tools.

AimBetter improves your total data protection

AimBetter improves your total data protection

AimBetter‘s comprehensive data monitoring application offers three specific and distinct advantages that are essential for facilitating remote management. 

First, AimBetter acts as your first line of defense by constantly watching out for unusual or suspicious activity that may be the initial signs of a security breaching. Our product keeps watch over both the SQL server database engines and the physical environment of the data center, including cloud-based and hybrid environments, and measures levels of the network, storage, and processor activity. Through our advanced AI-driven analytics, any behavior that looks ‘abnormal’ is flagged and an alert is raised.

Second, all of the functions of the advanced AI-based data analytics needed to produce the clear and current reporting needed in database monitoring are performed off-site in our level 3 secure data center.



AimBetter is committed to, and the system is designed for, complete data security. No actual corporate data is read! Only fully encrypted (ISO 27001 compliant) readings of system metrics are passed into the AimBetter secure data center. For live monitoring activity, the output is displayed through the AimBetter SaaS cloud-based website, access to which operates on the Zero Trust model, so no additional access into the user company’s network is required.

For more information, visit our secure-by-design page or FAQ page


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